Our fully VSA (Victorian Skateboarding Association) qualified skate and scoot coaches will be delivering private and small-group skateboard & scooter lessons, adjusted to suit your skill level.

Skateclub is a supervised lesson based skateboarding program. With an emphasis on fun, our aim is to get youth active in a social and supported setting. Skate Club is perfect for young people who enjoy sport in a non-competitive environment or who want to give something alternative a go

Our coaches all hold current working with children checks and police checks.


Our coaches all hold current working with children checks and police checks.


Private Sessions

Private Sessions

Private Sessions are coaching sessions for 1-2 people designed to give you a tailored skate or scoot coaching experience. Ideal for those who are ready to bring their technique to the next level or prefer a more individual learning experience.

Group Sessions

Group Sessions

Group Sessions are coaching sessions for 3-6 people designed to give you a more social learning experience. Ideal for beginner learners and for those who enjoy a more social learning environment.

Sign up today

Skate Club: Skate

Skate Club : Scoot


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