GippSport has recently welcomed Brydie Bourke to the team in the role of Program Officer – Streetgames East Gippsland. Brydie holds a Bachelor in Public Health Promotion and has worked with young people at headspace for the past 3.5 years. Brydie plays netball as part of the Lakes Entrance A Grade side, and enjoys surfing…
Hey everybody, Here is our Calendar Timetable for Nov-(early) DEC Check out the latest Latrobe Streetgames events coming to your town.
Monday location is Stockland Traralgon at the Grass Turf area on the South Side Entrance. Commencing at 3:30PM Event Link:
Take Time Tuesdays segment is unchanged at 5pm alternating HeadSpace and a mixed bag…
July 2020 marks 2 years of Streetgames. We want to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of this program whether you’re a funder, event partner, donator, promoter or participant, we appreciate you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. If we’ve missed you, we apologise in advance. Get In touch with us and we’ll make…