Hello friends of GippSport Streetgames,
It has been a while since we last updated you.
Streetgames delivered a fun September school holidays program with a range of events engaging young people across Gippsland in social sports and recreational activities.
Please see the following link for an article about our school holiday activities: https://latrobestreetgames.com.au/streetgames-holiday-fun/
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and snap lockdowns, we are not able to provide the traditional programming our participants love. Instead, we are offering virtual/hybrid content called Challenge Tuesdays every Tuesday afternoon on Facebook live for our Streetgamers to join in. When we are not in lockdown, Challenge Tuesday is hosted at Latrobe Youth Space Morwell. We encourage any participants interested to come down and join in the fun at this free event.
We are currently hosting a Social Soccer Series, running every Monday at Federation University Synthetic Soccer Pitch. If you are interested in joining a team or registering your own team of 5, please register at www.surveymonkey.com/r/B5JC62W and finalise the $10 participant registration fee at www.gippsport.com.au/workshops/.
Streetgames are seeking expressions of interest for a second social sports series in Gippsland. It could be soccer again or one of the following sports: Basketball, Netball and Dodgeball. If there is a sport you would love to play, please email hello@latrobestreetgames.com.au.
Streetgames is kicking off with an exciting program for Baw Baw this October. We have attached the Latrobe and Baw Baw programs for October with this update. Please share these opportunities with young people who live in Gippsland.
Happy Streetgaming
The GippSport Streetgames Crew